一种fter a visit from one of his patients in March, 1966, the psychiatrist Maurice Heatly noted, “This massive, muscular youth seemed to be oozing with hostility as he initiated the hour with the statement that something was happening to him and he didn’t seem to be himself.”
患者是Charles Whitman,这是一个最近一直致敬的25岁的前海军陆战队员。他告诉在奥斯汀德克萨斯州德克萨斯大学的工作人员,他在奥斯汀的工作人员,他一直在“思考在校园里的塔楼”和鹿枪手上升并开始射击人。“几个月后,他做到了,杀死了14人,31人,在被警方枪杀之前。
“我不能说明任何具体的理由,”他写道。“我不知道是自私,还是如果我不希望她必须面对尴尬,我的行为肯定会引起她。然而,在这个时候,我脑海中的突出原因是我真的不认为这个世界值得生活,而且正在准备死,我不想让她独自遭受。我打算尽可能无痛地杀死她“ - ”我非常爱她。“(“Similar reasons,” he wrote, “provoked me to take my mother’s life also.”) He also expressed his perplexing wish that some of his money be donated, anonymously, to a mental health organization to help prevent tragedies like the one he would shortly commit.
一世F一名患者今天抱怨了惠特曼对他的医生表示的情感和想法 - 他至少有五个人,他可能会审查他的大脑。字面上地。也就是说,他会有一个MRI寻找异常。当然,惠特曼没有机会,因为MRI机器尚不存在。在他的尸检时,调查人员发现脑肿瘤的山核的大小。一些神经科学家认为,如果没有确定他的行为,那么那天没有确定他的情绪过程,也许通过压迫Amygdala,这影响大脑的战斗或飞行反应。然后,您可能想知道他是否负责任 - 或者应该负责责任 - 他的行为。
鉴于药现在可以定位大脑异常,神经科学如何改变我们的责任概念?这是一个关于我们最近提交给哥伦比亚大学临床精神病学家Carl Erik Fisher的问题 - 谁在法律,道德和精神病学分部工作巧妙的采访。他回应说,他经常教过一个温和的人的例子,中西亚生行为急剧改变。值得注意的是,他对性非常感兴趣,在一个点对他的女儿的进步。一旦发现并移除了脑肿瘤,他的行为就会恢复正常;一旦肿瘤重新焕发,行为就会返回。
司法系统将如何处理这个?“The thing that’s interesting to me about the courts is that we are seeing deep philosophical ideas—like free will and responsibility—being put into forced-choice scenarios where you have to say, ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty,’” Fisher says. “We don’t have all the information; there’s no consensus about what the best model for free will or the best theory of punishment is. But, at a certain time and a certain place, someone has to render a judgment. So, how do we do that? What is our mechanism? What is our process for thinking through those sorts of ethical and philosophical issues when we have to, even understanding that we don’t have all the information and there may not be a right answer?”
Brian Gallagher是事实如此浪漫的主编,这鹦鹉螺博客。跟着他在推特上@ Brianga11agher.。
图像信用:Phil Roeder / Flickr